Cobra Replica Kit Manufacturers

JBL Motorsports The company we went with. They have an excellent website that includes detailed chassis data and even maintenance guidelines. I'd like to see more replica companies follow suit. 
ERA Replica Automobiles Another excellent website with lots of details about their cars (although not much performance data).
Unique Motorcars Unique has a good reputation as a solid choice for a mid-priced car.
Superformance Superformance makes excellent replicas (produced in South Africa) but only sells complete cars, not kits. 
Factory Five Racing The most popular Cobra replica due to its low price. Using a used Mustang 5.0L donor car, an FFR roadster can be built for under $20,000.
Kirkham Motorsports If you're looking for the most authentic replica and you're not scared by the high price, this is the one to get. They even have aluminum bodies available. 
Links to a number of other Cobra replica manufacturers can be found at the CobraCountry website.

Discussion Forums

ClubCobra My favorite discussion forum for Cobra enthusiasts. Many helpful and knowledgeable people frequent this forum.
CobraForum Another discussion group for Cobras. This forum is primarily frequented by Factory Five owners.

Builder's Sites

Cobra Lads Andy is also building a JBL Cobra and has hundreds of photos on his site. He's been extremely helpful in sharing his experiences which I'm sure will save me a lot of headaches.
Dream Car Dan provides an informative chronology of his ERA kit build.
Shuffleton's FFR Another excellent build chronology, this time of an FFR roadster.
Wade's Cobra Site A nice site with an excellent FFR build journal and great photos. 
65 Cobra A well organized site of another FFR roadster build with lots of nice photos. A little slow to load, though.

Cobra Parts

Cobra Accessories Lots of hard to find parts specifically for Cobra replicas.
Mike's Custom Cobra Parts I haven't ordered anything from them but they look like they have some interesting parts.

Engine Builders

DSS Racing DSS Racing built our short block for us. They build a great engine from very high quality parts.
Dark Horse  Dark Horse Performance doesn't build engines but Fred is very knowledgeable about transmissions, clutches, etc. He supplied us with our Tremec transmission and McLeod clutch.
Panhandle Performance Panhandle builds complete engines, but is particularly knowledgeable about custom porting of cylinder heads.
Coast High Performance A popular choice of Cobra builders for stroker crate engines.

Misc. Part Suppliers

Jeg's High Performance My favorite on-line source for general performance parts. They have a nice easy-to-use website.
Summit Racing Excellent on-line catalog of general performance parts
PAW No online ordering at Performance Auto Warehouse's site, but you can order their comprehensive parts catalog here. They also have a links page to the manufacturer's sites for almost all the brands they carry.
RaceSearch Online ordering of performance parts with excellent selection and search capability. They tend to be a little more expensive than Summit or PAW.
Pegasus Auto Racing Supplies One of the better sources for more esoteric racing parts. We've used them a number of times for things like the Accusump and special fittings.
AFCO Racing I don't think I've purchased anything from Afco, but they were in my favorites and look like a useful site.
Speedway Motorsports We found the radiator fan we're using here.
CarShop Inc. We found a knock sensor here. 
Longacre Racing We found some nice hose and wire clamps here.

Other Useful Sites

McMaster McMaster-Carr has a tremendous on-line selection of all sorts of useful things such as pipes and fittings, springs, pumps, cutters, lubricants, lighting, name it. VERY USEFUL SITE.
Performance Coatings Ceramic coating of engine parts in the Northwest
Allied Electronics A useful source for switches and the like.
Nutty On-line ordering of high quality nuts, bolts and other fasteners.
ARP Bolts Automotive Racing Products specializes in high quality fasteners for engines
Ketone Automotive Paint If you're going to do any of your own body work, this site has everything from body filler to paint to tools.
EToolCart Great site for tools including hard to find specialty tools. We bought a clutch alignment tool here. I wish I had found this site earlier in the project.
AN Plumbing What a great site for fittings of all kinds. If you're making your own fuel and oil hoses, check out this site.
Motion Software Desktop Dyno PC engine simulation software.

Manufacturers Whose Parts We're Using

Canfield Heads Canfield Cylinder Heads
TWM Induction Fuel Injection system
Electromotive EFI computer and distributor-less ignition system
Aeromotive Fuel pumps and filters
CompCams Competition Cams camshafts and related valve train parts
Autometer Gauges
Sparco Racing seats, harnesses, steering wheels
Armando's Oil Pans Custom racing oil pans
Thermo-Tec Automotive insulating products