August 2002 Aug 6, 2002 - We've spent much of the past week or so working on the electronics for the throttle controller. We have now completed the hardware design and sent the printed circuit board layouts to to be fabricated. We decided to add another microcontroller to the design to allow for traction control, although we don't plan to write the software for this until we have all the other features implemented. We're planning to put all the electronics in a machined aluminum enclosure that will bolt to the chassis in the upper part of the passenger side foot well. |
Image of oil filter bracket goes here |
Scott designed a bracket to hold the inline oil filter in place and we delivered the design to Mike Birdwell, our local machinist. The bracket will bolt to the driver side cylinder head. |
We still have several more parts to design, which we hope to finish by the end of the week. These include the box for the throttle control computer, a bracket for the proximity sensors around the gear shift lever to tell what gear you're in, and two stops/brackets for the throttle pedal to control range of motion and to hold the spring(s) and linear potentiometer. There are also a few parts for the body that we'll probably need to have custom machined, but we'll wait on those until we're a little further along. These include the hinges for the hood (the beautiful ones we got from JBL will most likely interfere with where we mounted the Accusump), brackets for hood pins, brackets for our front and rear bumpers, and brackets to hold the body panels behind the front wheel (these aren't strictly necessary but will make the body a bit stiffer). Scott is off to school for the year so we won't get much more done on the car until next summer. Next Journal Entry - June 2003 - Scott's back from school and we report on the progress over the winter and spring. |