Custom Machined Parts

There are a number of parts that we've had to design and have custom machined for us. This is not unusual when building a kit car, particularly one like the JBL which is not a really a "kit" in that it does not include an assembly manual nor all the parts necessary to complete the car. Further, there are many custom touches we've decided to add in our build.

When we were visiting fellow-JBL-builder Andy while in southern California, we took a short trip over to meet his machinist. Jorge Zapata works with his father in a small but well equipped machine shop in Upland CA. His address is:

Zapco Engineering
Jorge Zapata
107 N. 9th Ave
Upland CA 91785-1112

Jorge can be reached at [email protected]. He does excellent work at fair prices. When we need a custom part, we put together a drawing using Powerpoint and mail it down to him. Jorge says that most of his customers do not provide drawings of this detail, but I felt that this would improve the odds that Jorge would be able to produce what we wanted.

Here is a list of the parts with links to drawings of the parts we've had Jorge produce.

bulletDashboard center section
bulletElectromotive computer brackets
bulletFuel pressure sender bracket
bulletDistributor cap (we're using the distributor only to drive the oil pump, so this replaces the standard cap)
bulletCrank sensor bracket
bulletFuel filter bracket
bulletShift boot plate
bulletStereo head unit bracket (left and right)