Underwater Photography by Jay Torborg 

"White Mouth Moray Eel #2"

This whitemouth moray eel (Gymnothorax meleagris) looks far more aggressive than it actually is. As it sits amidst the lobe coral (Porites lobata) with only its head extended and its body protected, the eel�s small and numerous teeth are readily visible; the eel must open its mouth in order to pump water over its gills. In fact, eels are unlikely to bite unless provoked.

This eel was photographed in about 45 feet of water off the south Kohala Coast near the Mauna Lani Resort on the Big Island of Hawaii.

Photographed with a Nikon N90s in a Sea&Sea NX90 housing with two Ikelite 200 strobes. Nikon 60mm f2.8 macro lens. Fuji Provia 100F transparency film scanned with a Nikon LS-2000.

Copyright Jay Torborg 2000